parents as disciple-makers...
When God blesses parents with children, they are given the privilege of making disciples in every aspect of life. Discipleship at its best happens in the family.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." This task requires intentionality and encouragement, so we are dedicated to equipping parents to be the primary spiritual influences in the lives of their children. As a community, we come alongside the ministry of parents in teaching and modeling Jesus at home.
“You can do it, we will help.” We value children in our gospel communities because Jesus values children. While the current cultural trend is to separate parents and children in church and daily activities, we want children to be active participants when we come together. It is our desire to share life together as families within the context of a Gospel-centered community living on mission. It is actually within a community that children get to hear the Gospel from lots of people and see what it means to follow Jesus in day-to-day life. |
equipping our kids... |
In addition to being part of Gospel Community life, we value providing kids with unique and intentional spaces to learn and grow in the Gospel. This happens at weekly gatherings of Gospel Communities and at our Sunday gatherings.
These spaces are:
sprouts ministries
Infants and Toddlers
Our little ones are precious to us and are loved and cared for as they laugh, play and learn together in a thankful and joyous environment. |
Preschool-Kindergarten (ages 4-6)
What an exciting age to be around! Children are always asking questions as they are overwhelmed with curiosity and fun energy. We enjoy sharing the love of Jesus with these kids as they hear stories, ask questions, play and imagine. |
Elementary School
As kids grow they begin to engage in the world and experience life. Intertwined in all that play, creativity and storytelling is the Gospel, teaching the kids who they are in Jesus and what it looks like to live as a beloved follower of God in this world. It wouldn't be uncommon for you to see the older children teaching and serving those younger than them. |